the mito man home to the work of Randy D Lee



Randy (The Mito Man) is an independent researcher, author, and citizen scientist who’s both blessed and cursed to have been born with a fanatical need to know. His most recent work is The Blood Flow Monographs, which presents the new science of circulation – including the causes and consequences of poor blood flow.

His second book, The Mitochondriac Manifesto, aims to overturn our old beliefs about where health or sickness comes from, in light of what we now know about mitochondria, seasonal cycles, and energies in and around the body. His first book is Gut-Brain Secrets, which is all about the many factors that go into corruption of the gut microbiome, which then affects a person’s mental and physical state – including attention deficit disorder, autism and OCD.


the mito man home to the work of Randy D Lee